Release your fears…All from the comfort of your own home!
As well as stress & anxiety, I also help clients to release their fears of flying, driving, heights, spiders and more. Even if you don’t really know why you are scared, don’t worry, we can still work with the subconscious mind. We will clear those issues using a powerful technique called Emotional Freedom Techniques(AKA EFT or tapping for short) These techniques will help clear the past experiences that led to these fears, leaving you feeling calm, confident and on the road to freedom!
Get in touch! Whatever your reasons are, we can work through them together.
Online sessions are just as effective. Scroll down for testimonials.
Break free from your fears, online clearing sessions are £55.
“4 sessions with Kelly and I actually look forward to driving. My confidence has built so much, I don’t even worry before long journeys now, thank you for your kind patience with me” - SR
“After my 3rd session with Kelly it was time to go on my first holiday abroad in 10 years! What an eye opening experience being able to calmly board the aircraft and enjoy looking out of the window. I am so grateful I tried EFT. My family are so happy we can all fly together now” - NP